Welcome earthling,

Waking Youth is an award-nominated podcast and newsletter with a living question: What does it mean to live into maturity more wisely?

As a young adult, I find that many of the scripts handed to us by previous generations—of who and how to be in this world as a “grown-up”—are obsolete. And while the adventure to write and enact new scripts feels animating, it also seems too vital to be pursued alone or without introspection.

Also (and in case you’re an oldster wondering if Waking Youth is also for you), if we consider humanity as a single being, we would be on a developmental stage comparable to that of a human in their early twenties. Sometimes we're incredibly sharp and ingenious. Others, we're plain dumb and immature. What if we turned this into an opportunity to consciously mature?

So, here’s what Waking Youth is about:

The podcast listens deeply to stories of becoming of humans across generations—people from different backgrounds and with different callings whose insights and experiences might keep us company on journeys toward maturity.

The newsletter explores the themes and questions that are, from my perspective, most pressing when it comes to discovering how to do this “adult” thing a bit more wisely.

If you fell called to, if you could use some company, I invite you to join me in this exploration.


What People Are Saying

"Carlota is a brilliant writer and podcast host. It's been a pleasure reading and listening to her work. Through both mediums, her healthy curiosity guides wise and meaningful questions, and sparks necessary conversations.”

, author of

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An award-nominated podcast and newsletter that explores what it means to live into maturity more wisely.


An earthling, writer, podcast creator, and freelance communicator animated by the intersections across communication, personal transformation and social change. Author and host of Waking Youth.